SurfaceGuard90’s antimicrobial technology & compounds represent a new generation of antimicrobials. SurfaceGuard90 technology is based on the use of quaternary ammonium silicone compounds as antimicrobial agents either in solvent or in aqueous and stable solutions. By making these compounds water based systems, they become non-flammable and require no solvents for dilution nor any special handling, are uniformly dispersible on almost any surface, and simple and economical to use because of their extended shelf-life (at least a year vs. a week). Unlike similar antimicrobial products, these characteristics make these compounds and products ideal for use in a wide range of industrial and institutional, household, OEM, medical, and food applications.
When the ammonium salts are reacted with certain organosilanes they form an integrated system, and when this system is applied to any surface, it forms an invisible (one molecule deep) and durable (through ion exchange & rapid polymerization) antimicrobial protection. These compounds possess powerful antimicrobial properties which make them very effective against Gram positive (+) and Gram negative (-) odor causing bacteria, durable and long lasting for months, and valuable and useful for a variety of surfaces, substrates, instruments and applications. SG24’s antimicrobial technology and products have been employed to protect everyday consumer goods, or to protect almost any surface against odor causing microbial contamination.
The primary core technology contains no heavy metals, formaldehyde treatment, or phenol groups. Unlike other antimicrobial materials, Extensive studies, performed by many other companies, have shown the above chemistry does not allow or cause microbial adaptation, resistance, mutation, diffusion, or migration. It is significantly different from conventional sanitizers, disinfectants, or biocides that are extremely toxic and contaminate the environment with undesirable chemicals. Some of the differences are in its chemical nature, effectiveness, durability, and safety. This technology has a unique advantage over all previously known methods and applications: the antimicrobial component material is bonded to the cell or surface. Microorganisms are then destroyed by simple contact with the surface. SG24's antimicrobial products bond to almost any surface, creating unlimited applications for the SG24’s breakthrough technology.
Chemistry of SurfaceGuard90
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Mode of Action & Function
Silane Base - The first section of the long chain molecule is a silane base, which enables the antimicrobial to anchor securely onto the substrate. A covalent bond is formed slowly through hydrolysis reactions, providing long-lasting and sometimes permanent, antimicrobial protection against a broad spectrum of single cell microorganisms.
Positively Charged Nitrogen – The second section of the long chain molecule is a bolt of electricity that finishes off any speared bug that survives the sword. A positively charged atom of nitrogen writes the bugs epitaph. The negatively charged membranes of some microbes will be magnetically drawn to their demise. This mechanical kill negates the need for toxic chemicals.
Long Molecular Carbon Chain – The third section of the long chain molecule is the blade that initially comes into contact with the offending microbes. This acts like a sword that punctures the cell membranes of all microbes coming in contact with it.

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